Anchor needed for Game show host

Created  5 years   ago, in  Party Host, Posted by  Xi Yiang
TASK Image


General Knowledge Quiz show

Special instructions

5 Hour amount mentioned
Food and travel will be provided
Prior experince needed

Task info

  • Offer price ₹45.00
  • Bidding Close by
    Bidding Close by 15/10/2020 13:17
  • When do you want this task done
    When do you want this task done 25/10/2020 13:17
  • Task City
    City for the task Beijing
  • Task location
    Task Location
  • Category of the task
    Category of the task Party Host
  • Reimbursements
    Reimbursements ₹11.00

Tasker Requirements

  • User Icon
    Age > 20
  • User Gender
    Gender Doesn't matter
  • Task location
    City Doesn't matter


  • Customer
  • Artist
Xi Yiang

Xi Yiang From:  Beijing
Member Since 5 years ago
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